
chapter three; let go.

*Stephanie's POV*

It's been a month since I moved to Chicago. Jonny and I have been hanging out a lot! Which is good, he's got me distracted from all of the things in my past. Ally and I went to a lot of the practices to support them and attended the game that we could. Ally and Brent were dating for a year before I moved and they were finally engaged. He took her to her favourite restaurant and got down on one knee and proposed. The wedding was set for the summer. Gabby was coming down to visit all of us and see how I was doing. When she got here, we all decided to go to a Hawks game.
I was getting ready in my room, and my door opened. It was Gabby. She sat down on my bed, "Steph I'm really glad to see you happy and getting yourself out there again." She said.
"I know. I feel a lot better and Jonny is really helping.."
"Have you told him"
"No, I'm not ready to yet. Plus he isn't even my boyfriend, we've just been hanging out."
"Do you like him.."
"Maybe," I said looking down at my feet. I really needed to paint my toenails.
"Steph, I know you better then that. I'm glad that you've found someone. I'm sure he will be your boyfriend soon enough, the girls have told me about him, he seems really sweet. I can't wait to meet him"
"I'm sure you'll like him"
"Me too, now hurry up let's go, we've got a hockey game to go to"
"Right," I sighed, the looked up and smiled, "We do" I kept smiling. We got to the area and did our usual routine of going to see the boys, but this time we cut it short since it was a game. Jonny came out and kissed me by surprise. I definitely was not expecting that, especially when we weren't actually 'together'. But I took all of it, then wrapped my arm tight around him, it felt so good to be wanted by someone. I introduced him to Gabby and she went all googly eyed, it was funny. Then she say Adam Burish and things changed for her eye sight, she locked in on him. We wished the boys good luck and went to our seats as warm-up started. Gabby was fixated on Burish, while I watched Jonny smile at me from the ice. Ally was playing with her engagement right, it was like her new thing but it was funny, her and Brent were to cute. Gina was gazing through the crowd for cute boys, she loved to have a little fun.
As the game ended I went out and waited by Jonny's car. I didn't want to leave Gabby at the condo her first night, be she had known Gina, Ally and Christina for as long as I have and she urged me to go be with Jonny. It was like she knew something was going to happen. He walked out, he had his suite on that he came to the game with on. It was pure black and he had a white shirt underneath with a little chest showing. I melted when he came to hug me. He took me back to his place where we popped in a movie and mad some popcorn. Jonny wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against his chest. The movie ended and I got up to go to the washroom, when I came back he was sitting up on the coach.
"Steph, this past month I've really gotten to know you,"
Only half of me.
"I really like and I want you to have this," He put his bracelet that he claimed to be his "lucky bracelet" around my wrist, "I want to take the next step in our relationship, of course if you want to"
"I would love that Jonny," He leaned in and kissed me. His hands ran threw my hair as I brushed the side of his face with mine. He carried me up to his bedroom bridal style, while I was giggling the whole way, about nothing. I felt good to laugh just over nothing. He kicked the door shut as I turned and wrapped my legs around his waste, and began to kiss him more. He set me down on the bed, as I took his shirt off. Both of our shirts were off, and his body was pressed up against mine, kissing me all over. One thing lead to another and I let him take control. I let myself go to someone for the first time and I wasn't scared to have it happen.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder when she's gonna tell him waht happened? Please, please, please update!
